Building Blocks Playschool
Box Butte General Hospital is excited to host Building Blocks Playschool on its campus!
Building Blocks Playschool is now open. Its mission is to provide a safe, loving, fun, and accepting environment for the future leaders of our community; and its vision is to be the greatest place to learn, play and grow. Parents can expect children to learn through a play-based curriculum.
Age groups
- Infants: 6 weeks - 18 months
- Toddlers: 18 months - 3 years
- Preschool: 3 - 5 years
- Afterschool care
Hours of Operation
- Monday - Friday
- 6 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Building Blocks Playschool was initially created in partnership with Shannon Alwin, Lighthouse Christian Daycare owner, 作为解决BBGH劳动力短缺的解决方案,因为员工的托儿服务有限.
Contact Shannon Alwin, Building Blocks Playschool Director, at 308-761-2040 with questions.